The M22 is a modular, multi-application platform for the treatment of over 30 skin and hair removal problems.
Used by physicians around the world, the M22™ allows you to treat a wide variety of patients and conditions with excellent results.
4 Multiple Technologies in a Modular System
It expands with your treatment needs and adapts to future applications as they arise.
- Universal IPL
- Optimal pulse technology (OPT™)
- One-way piece with variable light guides and filters
For IPL skin treatments using photorejuvenation
- ResurFX™
-The only true fractionated non-ablative, with the CoolScan™ scanner
- No disposables
- For skin resurfacing
- Multi-Spot ™ Nd: YAG with multiple sequential pulses (MSP ™)
- 2 light guides of variable size in seconds for treatment of leg veins and vascular lesions
- Nd with Q:YAG switching
- Homogeneous beam profile for greater safety and efficacy of skin toning treatment by treating pigmented lesions and removing dark tattoos